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    Welcome to SPAPSD
    The Stevens Point Area Public School District lies directly in the center of the state of Wisconsin, covering more than four hundred

    square miles.  Our boundaries reach to Lake DuBay and the Marathon County Line to the north, the Township of Milladore to the west, the Buena Vista marsh in the south, and to the hills of Custer in the east. While being one of the State's largest districts, in both area, and student membership, our district exemplifies excellence in education. 

    The district adheres to a strong set of academic standards and has put into place K-6 benchmarks. Students participate in regular formative assessments as part of their classroom experience.

    Students in our district continually achieve higher percentages than the State average, of proficiency and advanced proficiency.  Besides strong academic areas of language arts, math, science, and social studies, the district offers three foreign languages (French, German, and Spanish), school-to-work opportunities, family and consumer education, technology business instruction, health, physical education, music, and art instruction.  The halls are filled with trophies and plaques highlighting our students' achievements.  Every year many of our students receive recognition in art, music, and debate. 

    The district also provides a variety of extracurricular offerings. Drama, service clubs, special interest clubs, and a full slate of athletic offerings are available to all students to help complement academic offerings and provide a rich and rewarding educational experience.  Our local university, UW-Stevens Point, Mid-State Technical College, the school district, and community also share the asset of a rich and diverse culture. More than sixteen different countries are represented in the university's foreign exchange program.

  • Contact Us

    Stevens Point Area Public School District
    Office of the Superintendent
    1900 Polk Street
    Stevens Point, WI 54481

    Phone 715-345-5456
    Fax 715-345-7302

    Cory Hirsbrunner, Ed.D.

    Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
    Karlyn Krautkramer