• Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test 

    The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the most widely administered aptitude test in the United States.  About 900,000 students in approximately 14,000 schools take the ASVAB annually.  The ASVAB is called an aptitude battery because its results are used to predict the ability to learn skills – specifically skills required for different work.  No military items are included and the test is based on research to help predict success in a wide range of different jobs. The ASVAB consists of ten tests: General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Numerical Operations, Coding Speed, Auto and Shop Information, Mathematics Knowledge, Mechanical Comprehension, and Electronics Information.  The test has 334 items administered in a 2 ½ hour session. The results help focus student interest and aptitude for careers – both military and civilian.  Scores on each test are provided as well as scores clustered around Verbal Skills, Math Skills, and Science/Technical Skills.  There are numerous resources available on line to assist in studying for the ASVAB. 

     Resources for the ASVAB include:
    1) http://www.military.com/ASVAB
    2) http://www.studyguidezone.com/asvabtest.htm
    3) Learning Express Library- click on link through our district website and Family Resources
    3) Books in the SPASH library which can be checked out
    4) Military Recruiters

     The ASVAB is available to all students.  It is administered at SPASH in early December each year. Sign up in the Counseling Office or see your counselor or a military recruiter for more information.