School Improvement Goals 2016-17
Literacy/English Language Arts goal: It is our goal to engage all students in literacy-based learning by implementing consistent literacy language, using best-practice literacy instruction, and collaborating regularly with a focus on data that supports student learning in English Language Arts.
Specific gap reduction goal: ELL (English Language Learners) and SwD (Students with Disabilities) It is our goal to have students grow in reading from their beginning scores to ¾ to one grade level above where they started the year by the end of April. The students will be assessed through the DRA2 scores and/ or their SRI scores for grades 3 and above.
Social Emotional Goal: Students will be able to identify emotions and strategies to move themselves from out of emotional control to in emotional control
PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) goal: 87% of our students will respond to our tiered intervention supports for behavior as evidenced by receiving one referral or less at the office level. We will teach and practice our building wide education expectations and recognize our students through our Caught Being Good process.